Writing Samples
Coming Home
When a layover traps a pair of Airmen in an airport, a seasoned veteran must guide his troop through family expectation and civilian appreciativeness, or else lose his mind in the process.
(Drama/Comedy) (Short Film)

When racism rears its ugly head to a pair of interracial best friends, they both must learn restraint in order to not only save their friendship, but one of their lives as well.
(Drama/Comedy) (Short Film)

Negative Vibes
Keeping his marriage intact becomes impossible when a hitman is given a contract to assassinate himself. Now he must fight his way through other assassins to confront the client; his wife.
(Comedy/Action) (Adaptation Short Film)

After returning to an empty home, a young Petty Officer goes AWOL and joins the ranks of homeless and drifters in obscurity, but the Navy wants him back for his Court Martial.
(Drama/Comedy) (Web Series Pilot)

Let's Collaborate!
After visiting a writer's website, a collaborator decides to enlist the services of the site owner to have their movie idea turned into a screenplay, or else run the risk of never having their movie realized!
(Any Genre) (Any Format)

(Note: The above photographs are from Kevin's personal collection)