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Fun fact: I finally went and saw Justice League this weekend. All in all I don't think it gets enough credit. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be, though it still had its issues. It honestly made up for some of BvS for me.

For all the haters of Cavill's Supes, I think this should pacify you. This is the best Superman I've seen since Christopher Reeve. They nailed the tone of Supes and Cavill finally showed that he isn't a stick of wood for other actors to attempt to play off of. I always liked Henry Cavill, it's nice to see what he's capable of while wearing the "S".

Ever since the casting of Momoa as Aquaman I've absolutely loved the idea of Aquaman having a Pacific Islander feel. Makes more sense to me.

They did alright with Flash but he came across as more Wally West than a Barry Allen to me. Kinda wish they would've gone that route and dropped the dad bit, but hey, Flash filled his role in the League dynamic pretty well.

Ray Fisher was fantastic as Cyborg and I liked that we're still so early in his career. I hope we get a movie like the Wonder Woman film that jumps back into a bit of his life before the "accident". They do need to do something about that CGI, though. He was a floating face at times...

Speaking of Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot. Yeah... I love her.

And lastly, Batfleck. I was one of the few that was on board with Ben Affleck stepping into the cowl. I thought he was a highlight in BvS, even with him murdering everyone he crossed paths with not fortunate to have a mother named Martha. BUT in this movie, wow did they shit on Bats. Not only was he worthless and constantly getting his shit kicked in, but guns seem to be his only gadgets at his disposal. He only blew up one minion via explosive!?!? WHAT!?!? And that wasn't the most egregious slight against Bats. After he puts the team together, he shirks the responsibility of leader... Yeah, he pawns off the role to lead! Not in a "they'll listen to you, Clark" but in "I don't wanna do it and you've made WB the most money, Diana" sort of way. Completely out of character. That and Bruce Wayne/Batman CONSTANTLY making jokes throughout, and not the accidental ones... God, worst understanding of Batman yet. You didn't like Snyder movies for how dark and brooding they were so you took your ONE character that SHOULD BE dark and brooding and turned him into a comedian!??! The fuck is wrong with you, WB!?!? Anyway, Batfleck went from being the highlight of BvS to being trash in JL. I don't blame Ben Affleck for wanting out. The powers that be clearly don't understand Batman's role in the Justice League or the character as a whole. God speed, Batfleck. It could've been great...

The supporting cast was great and the CGI was horrendous all around, but it was entertaining and I enjoyed it. It's currently my second favorite DCU movie in the Man of Steel era. (Wonder Woman is #1, and it had horrible CGI. Seriously, what is WB spending their budgets on?)

Tell me what you think if you've made it this far!

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