Top 10 Baseball Movies
I forgot about my top 10 list yesterday and I was asked to do my top 10 Baseball movies. So, here we go:
10. Summer Catch 9. Eight Men Out 8. Hardball 7. Field of Dreams 6. Major League 5. 42 4. The Sandlot 3. A League of Their Own 2. Baseball (Ken Burns Documentary) 1. 61*
Again, not about technical prowess or anything like that. Just 10 movies I enjoy and will re-watch from time to time. There are some notables left off the list that are superior movies, but I may never watch again as one viewing is enough. Summer Catch is horrible, but for some reason I enjoy it. Keanu in a baseball movie? Love it! Anyway, here's my list. And since I forgot about this yesterday, I'll follow this post up with a top 10 Basketball movies by day's end. (These lists are almost embarrassing to admit to... I mean Summer Catch!? Really!? But it is what it is...)