Kevin's Best Movies of 2017 (that I've seen)
Do you have a friend who is so supportive of what you do and is so encouraging in all of your endeavors that you get excited about the...

Spoiler Free "Review" of The Last Jedi
Before I begin to tell you my non-spoiler review (less critique, more feelings about) of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, I feel it appropriate...

The Validation of Opinion
I am an opinionated individual as I feel many of us are. We live in a world of unlimited, accessible information and yet it’s opinion...

Take a Knee
I was on a field during the preseason of an NFL game, standing behind the players, when the anthem began to play... For anyone that still...

Top 10 Football Movies
After a chat with my good friend Michel Tetrault last night, I thought that if might be fun to make a movie favorites list every day. We...

Top 10 Baseball Movies
I forgot about my top 10 list yesterday and I was asked to do my top 10 Baseball movies. So, here we go: 10. Summer Catch 9. Eight Men...

Top 10 Basketball Movies
Today's top 10 proved the most difficult yet. Again, these are not viewed as a critique but merely based on my enjoyment of the movies....

Top 10 Buddy Cop Movies
Here it is, boys and girls, my top 10 “buddy cop” movies. I decided to stay on the lighter side as buddy makes me think a lighter tone or...

Top 10 Comedies
Here we go again, boys and girls! My good friend Kristin Morris suggested I do a top 10 for comedies. As a reminder, these lists are MY...

Top 10 "So bad, it's good" Movies
Today's top 10 is brought to you by Thomas Antonio Chase. You can blame him for this. There's a curve here. There's cringe/enjoyability...