Top 10 "So bad, it's good" Movies
Today's top 10 is brought to you by Thomas Antonio Chase. You can blame him for this.
There's a curve here. There's cringe/enjoyability factors at work that scale this list beyond words. For the most part, the top of the list is "I don't care how 'bad' it may be, it's amazing" to the bottom of the list which is "oh my, please let this be over already..."
Anyway, top 10 "So bad it's good" list:
10. Troll 2 9. Birdemic: Shock and Terror 8. Titanic II 7. The Star Wars Holiday Special 6. Nicholas Cage (Too many to mention individually) 5. The Room 4. Sharknado series 3. Enter the Ninja, Revenge of the Ninja & Ninja III: The Domination 2. No Retreat, No Surrender 1. The Last Dragon
The Last Dragon is one of my favorite movies of all time and if you feel about it as I do, you may get upset with it even being on this list because it's close to being the perfect film. But, if you look inside, you know that it's bad and that's what makes it that much more awesome. I will defend The Last Dragon with my dying breath. Anyway, suggestions for tomorrow's list? And go!