Top 10 Disaster Movies
I tried to stay away from Sci-Fi as that just opens up what can be construed a “Disaster Movie” so far that I would NEVER be able to actually make a list. I wanted to put down movies like Jurassic Park, Attack the Block, Deep Blue Sea and Pandorum, but again, it’s too much. Yes, they’re disaster, but they’re also disaster caused by humans so I guess the deciding factor was how much is caused by human’s playing God/Aliens and such. All that being said, here’s my Top 10 Disaster Movies:
10. World Trade Center 9. Titanic 8. Armageddon 7. Alive 6. Deep Water Horizon 5. The Poseidon Adventure 4. Apollo 13 3. The Perfect Storm 2. The Day After Tomorrow 1. The Finest Hours
As always, this is MY list of movies that I enjoy. And yes, I left Jaws, Earthquake and the Towering Inferno off the list because they’re simply not on my list. These lists are as much “guilty pleasure” lists as ever. Also, fun fact, I’ve only seen WTC once, but it has stuck with me for some reason. That’s why it’s on the list. Everything else I’ve watched many, many times or have an historical interest in the subject matter. Open for suggestions of more lists.